The Chungking Mansions

The Chungking Mansions

THE most notorious of them all. Home to ratty restaurants, illegals, drug dealers, hookers, almost 2000 motel rooms (many for as cheap as $20 US per night), and all other legal, illegal, illicit, questionable, seedy, and down right disgusting operations in the whole country. This is Kowloon at its finest!

Return To Gallery: Hong Kong 2007 - A Sunday Afternoon In Central

Permalink: http://www.thebontes.com/mike/viewphoto.asp?type=photo&photoid=20071111%2DDSC%5F0054%2Ejpg

Photo Taken: Sunday, November 11, 2007 at Kowloon, Hong Kong
Keywords:  Architecture   Hong Kong  
In Galleries:  Hong Kong 2007 - A Sunday Afternoon In Central